Month of Slow

So, here’s the thing: I have been working a lot recently, running my old business, which is a full-time job, and building my new coaching practice here in Seattle. Granted, there are plenty of situations I could be in—and that other people are in—that would be much harder. But truth be told, it’s been taking […]
How to be positive when you feel like sh*t

Okay, lovely people, this post is a little more personal, but I wanted to share this because dealing with the not-so-bright moods in a good way is an important step in my 2019 Positivity Experiment (more about that here), and because I want you to know that just because someone has an entire coaching toolbox […]
Making a Start. How to Journal.

As I have recently given you a few reasons why to journal (see here for those), I wanted to follow up on that with how to journal today. Actually, that premise is a little misleading because—spoiler alert!—anything goes. There is no right or wrong way to journal; there’s only journaling that works for you, or not. […]