You can’t fail at meditation

“You can’t fail at meditation” is a phrase I have on my vision board. I’m glad I do, because it’s a reminder I need. A lot. If you think that you “can’t meditate,” read on! I am not a meditation teacher by any stretch of the imagination—but let me tell you, my friend, this time […]

How to be positive when you feel like sh*t

Okay, lovely people, this post is a little more personal, but I wanted to share this because dealing with the not-so-bright moods in a good way is an important step in my 2019 Positivity Experiment (more about that here), and because I want you to know that just because someone has an entire coaching toolbox […]

Wanted: Patience—Right Now!

Is impatience your middle name? Just asking because mine is, and I have the feeling I am in pretty good company. If you’re part of the impatience clan too, how’s that working for you? For me, honestly, not that well. Because whenever I get really impatient and try to rush things, it’s almost a given […]