Successful Goal-Setting
When it comes to goals, I have two priorities: I want them to be aligned with my priorities so that they make sense and I always have a reason to work on them, and I want them to be achievable so that I don’t get into a worry cycle that ends up with me feeling frustrated and bad about myself.
The Importance of Habits and Identity in Your Life
Habits matter because they help you become the person you want to be. James Clear If you’ve followed my posts for a while, you may know that I am a huge fan of habits and routines. I know it sounds boring, but actually, the opposite is true, or at least that’s how I feel about […]
Stop Making Excuses!
I’m sure you are familiar with the sentence, “If you want to do something you’ll find a way, if not you’ll find an excuse.” I’ve always found that a pretty rude statement that might be appropriate on the social media of boot camp instructors, but has no place in coaching relationships. I still think so, […]
Habits for the Win
Habits are not as boring as people make them out to be either, so today, I want to share a bit about how to successfully build habits—because that’s clearly a skill I have honed for decades.
No Better Time Than Now—or Is There?
I’m sure you are more than familiar with procrastination, but how about precrastination? Yes, that’s a thing, and—spoiler alert—not always a good one. As per definition, a precrastinator is a person who does things immediately or at least well ahead of any deadline. So if you are struggling with getting shit done on time, the idea […]
You can’t fail at meditation
“You can’t fail at meditation” is a phrase I have on my vision board. I’m glad I do, because it’s a reminder I need. A lot. If you think that you “can’t meditate,” read on! I am not a meditation teacher by any stretch of the imagination—but let me tell you, my friend, this time […]
Month of Slow
So, here’s the thing: I have been working a lot recently, running my old business, which is a full-time job, and building my new coaching practice here in Seattle. Granted, there are plenty of situations I could be in—and that other people are in—that would be much harder. But truth be told, it’s been taking […]
Yes, no, I don’t know. How to outsmart decision fatigue.
Supposedly, every one of us takes about 35,000 decisions a day. That’s a lot. And it’s only the average. If you happen to run a company or a large family or a country, this number may even be higher. No wonder that not all of our decisions are great! I would say, considering that number […]
Signing off! Digital Detox in Baby Steps
When was the last time you were without your phone (or another device) for several hours and not asleep at the same time? I know. I have a hard time answering this question as well. These days, we all seem to be online all the freaking time! And striking a balance between our real and […]
Wanted: Patience—Right Now!
Is impatience your middle name? Just asking because mine is, and I have the feeling I am in pretty good company. If you’re part of the impatience clan too, how’s that working for you? For me, honestly, not that well. Because whenever I get really impatient and try to rush things, it’s almost a given […]