Signing off! Digital Detox in Baby Steps

When was the last time you were without your phone (or another device) for several hours and not asleep at the same time? I know. I have a hard time answering this question as well. These days, we all seem to be online all the freaking time! And striking a balance between our real and […]

The Positivity Experiment

Every couple of years I do a yearlong self-experiment. In 2013, I did a year without alcohol, in 2016, a year without shopping. I loved these experiments because both times, I met the most amazing people who—most likely—I wouldn’t have met otherwise and had experiences I could have never expected. I learned so much about […]

Wanted: Patience—Right Now!

Is impatience your middle name? Just asking because mine is, and I have the feeling I am in pretty good company. If you’re part of the impatience clan too, how’s that working for you? For me, honestly, not that well. Because whenever I get really impatient and try to rush things, it’s almost a given […]

The Benefits of a Morning Ritual

I used to be a serious night owl and when I had to get up at a time I considered early—before 8:30 or so—I started the day in a really terrible mood, which often enough would last for hours. As I have worked for myself for decades, that wasn’t much of an issue for the […]

Efficient Minimalism—or how I stay sane

Are you a minimalist? Or do you sometimes toy with the idea but never actually get started? Or do you get a little scared just by looking at photos of almost empty rooms with bare walls and the thought of having to live like that? Spoiler alert: My walls are not bare. Quite the contrary, […]